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Registrato: 17/09/13 08:48
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chinaobdii is offline 

MessaggioInviato: Mar Set 17, 2013 8:57 am    Oggetto:  Car DVD
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is installed in the car for the car ride to provide audio and video entertainment multimedia playback systems, generally in addition to dvd format DVD playback, it also supports VCD / MP3 / WMA / MP4 / Divx / CD / CDR / JPEG and other formats of audio and video files and discs, and some also support SD, USB, IPOD and so on. Depending on the installation location of the car, into sun visor dvd, ceiling dvd, headrest dvd, single-spindle double din dvd, etc..
Precautions to buy a car DVD system
With the current car DVD in automotive electronic products growing proportion, nearly 40% percent of new car owners are installing car DVD needs. Therefore production, OEM various DVD navigation products in large numbers, but also differences in the quality of products beyond your imagination.
Since many DVD products installed just a car, a throttle audio speakers will emit squeaks sound and image are very poor, so to remind you in the purchase of the installation or car DVD products should focus on the following points:
First, sound
DVD is used to play music, so the sound quality is good or bad is very important. Therefore, prior to purchase DVD sure to ask before this DVD player output is a few "V", or give the machine DVD machines and other sound compared. If your DVD player and CD player sound quality one can compete, the price will certainly not cheap to go.
Second, the amount of images and DVD player with
DVD screen with analog and digital high-definition screen two kinds. Simulation screen pixel is generally 240 * 240 or 480 * 240 pixels, while high-definition screen is generally 800 * 480 pixels or higher. In addition, a good DVD drives are equipped with double the amount of that DVD, CD two kinds of drive.

Third, the navigation accuracy and ease of use
Good DVD manufacturers will apply a relatively good navigation software, poor navigation DVD navigation easy process crashes, slow or navigation, the navigation accuracy is relatively poor. Because a good DVD navigation uses a "dual core" model, which uses two independent CPU processing systems, so that the two systems interfere with each other, navigation speed, high accuracy, easy to use.
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Set 17, 2013 8:57 am    Oggetto: Adv

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